This mix was influenced and inspired by Newbree and Witch House parties that took place @28, an abandoned former market buiding in the very center of Volgograd that was used occasionally for half-underground msic events. It also had a DYI recording studio and we used to have our rehearsals with Old Wine there too. It was quite clear that such a sweet spot in the city center won't stay intact for long, so the owner of the venue almost didn't invest in reparation, but it's even for good, so the place retained its underground spirit.
Another source of inspiration was one of my favourite movies "My Own Private Idaho" wit River Phoenix and Keanu Reeves, dircted by Gus Van Sant. I don't know what's the link between the musical and the visual compounds but this movie somehow brought me assoitiations with these music styles as they both could be described as retrowave, bringing me back to 90-s, the time of my childhood, when the air still smelt freedom in Russia and so much modernity in all aspects of life was flowing in, you could feel it at all levels. But later everything went backwards.