a movie that messes up with your brain even more than Mulholland Drive from the same director, Davud Lynch
an endlessly looping thriller where dreaming and reality blend into each other and whirl into a vortex of inescapability
on top of my list
a movie that cannot leave untouched
it's indeed all about mothers. in a very unusual story, affecting to tears
Almodovar's movies often show the abyss of incompatibility of queer people with reality.. but at the end it gives such a strange relief.. even if everything's going wrong.. it's still gonna be ok
probably my favorite Almodovar's movie
a movie about fears, both real and imaginary and the tough necessity remaining under control in the face of a looming disaster
for those who suffer from (or enjoying) depressions, this movie somehow helps to find the inner strength to overcome
a strange movie seemingly about nothing particular. basically two guys are walking off road into the desert and get lost there without any food or water. all movie long they just keep walking and end up in weird circumstances with their minds blurred struggling to find the way out. an inevitable loss is looming, anxiety keeps building up and won't let you go until the end of the movie. strangely the movie is beautiful and visually captivating. not on top of my list but definitely something memorable
This mix was influenced and inspired by Newbree and Witch House parties that took place @28, an abandoned former market buiding in the very center of Volgograd that was used occasionally for half-underground msic events. It also had a DYI recording studio and we used to have our rehearsals with Old Wine there too. It was quite clear that such a sweet spot in the city center won't stay intact for long, so the owner of the venue almost didn't invest in reparation, but it's even for good, so the place retained its underground spirit.
Another source of inspiration was one of my favourite movies "My Own Private Idaho" wit River Phoenix and Keanu Reeves, dircted by Gus Van Sant. I don't know what's the link between the musical and the visual compounds but this movie somehow brought me assoitiations with these music styles as they both could be described as retrowave, bringing me back to 90-s, the time of my childhood, when the air still smelt freedom in Russia and so much modernity in all aspects of life was flowing in, you could feel it at all levels. But later everything went backwards.
hilarious and tragic movie about club life in NY in the late 80-s and beginning of 90-s, plot based on a real life story
featuring fabulous
Macaulay Culkin
three movie in one about Tokyo. so extravagant and absurd I could almost believe it's true lol pure impressionism
I'm probably not the biggest fan of comedy movies, but this one captured my melancholic heart haha
decided to watch it fully in English back in 2008, and it took me a while to make up a dictionary, so many specific slang and drug-related terms it used. I wasn't able to handle more than a quarter of subtitles and eventually gave up haha
highly recommended for watching!
nothing special as a movie, but these pictures of vacant London and its amazing soundtrack drilled into my mind. watched this movie with my cousin Kolya at a cinema
The Matrix broke into my adolescent world like a hurricane. This sci-fi anti-utopia instantly climbed up on top of my list and has been remaining there ever since.
Loved everything about the movie: the idea of the Matrix itself which makes you think about the world behind our perceptions, intricate plot. the design and the style, innovative effects that imprinted in my memory: falling green symbols, Neo dodging the bullets, high-speed rotating camera and of course the massive soundtrack
another childhood memory, one of the favorite comedies, also classics ^^ was a bit scared though watching the mask stick to his face haha
of course I couldn't understand all the shades of the filthy humor of this movie as a kid but still loved watching this tribute to stupidity haha